A TouP Day In The Life…

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My Eyes Blink Open At… Well, I have a fun fact to share and that is I don’t use alarm clocks. I like allowing my body to wake me up naturally. So at around 5:30 am my eyes blink open and I open the day with 15 mins of meditation, yoga sun salutations stretches, gratitude and setting my intentions for the day. I then shower, dress and prepare a platter of tropical fruits for breakfast in my gorgeous Perfect Plate in sunshine yellow.

During the heart of lockdown, I realised that I was really missing being able to connect with new people, so during the week I had become a part of two online co-working groups. It gave me accountability, the ability to maintain a set routine, and the opportunity to build a sense of community with creative people based in the U.K. and beyond – it was fantastic!

Now, I start my day much earlier and the need for the groups fell away, so I find myself at my desk ready to go at around 10:00 am. I tend to do anything from updating SEO on my website to making templates for new ceramic objects I will create.

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My Responsibilities Are... Designing and hand building beautiful, elegant and unique handmade pottery, such as cups, mugs, bowls, plates and vases. My intention is to create a ceramic collection that compliments your personal style – pieces that not only add value to your day but functional forms that you can really fall in love with as they become a part of your unique story.

I Became A Ceramicist… By pivoting! In my previous life I was a Senior Editor. I started my career at the BBC as a magazine writer on children’s titles and expanded my experience to working on licensed magazines for DreamWorks, Universal and many other major film studios – it was a wonderful adventure and it gave me years of great creative and problem solving experiences to draw from.

However, I was ready for a new challenge and it had always been my dream to start a business creating and selling beautiful objects.

I had been learning ceramics for three years at Redbridge Institute, and having been received extremely well after exhibiting and selling my first collection at Gunnersbury Park Museum in association with Ealing Beat Art Trail, I took the plunge into becoming a business owner.

My Typical Day… I divide my time between making my ceramic collections and maintaining the business side of TouP.

When I’m making a collection, I start by deciding what to make and then gather or create templates. The next step is rolling out all the clay slabs that I need for a week’s worth of making, and the final step is rolling up my sleeves and getting stuck into making the work.

I am a hand builder which is very different than working on a wheel. Hand building is slower paced, which means there’s more time to build a relationship with the clay and form each piece beautifully. I find that I happily get lost in this, especially when ensuring the curves of the Maltese Moon Vases is exactly as I like.

There are two hand building techniques that I apply to my work, they are slab rolling which I use for creating the plates, bowls, Ooo Cup etc and pinch pot which I use to shape into the Maltese Moon vases.

Right Now Life is… Exciting! Living through a global pandemic has taught me to be grateful for each and every moment, and to savour each day good or bad and approach it like an adventure.

When I’m Drained… I know that it’s a sign that I need to recharge. I love to go for park walks as nature levels me out. If the weather or time isn’t suitable, i’ll collapse onto my sofa with a cosy blanket and watch something food related like the Great British Bake Off or Masterchef and scoff down a tasty treat, too!

My Favourite Snacks to Keep Me Going… Are nuts! It used to be crisps and chocolate (drool) but after learning I have food intolerances, I made the decision to dramatically cut down on processed foods etc and eat a clean, mostly vegan diet. So walnuts, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts and home roasted cashews nuts are my new grazing go-to! But once a week i’ll have a fun food day and eat something a tad cheeky and indulgently glamorous <wink>.

The Best Work Experience in 2020… Was being a part of Channel 4’s Kirstie Allsop’s The Handmade Festival as a pottery expert. It was amazing to be chosen as an expert and teach online workshops across the weekend on their behalf. One of the highlights included seeing all the amazing finished forms that I had taught everyone to make, it was glorious!

A Work Habit I Can Improve Is… Well, I don’t throw any clay away, arghhh! I believe in reusing all the off-cuts. However, it all ends up piled in a bag and now I can’t tell what clay type is what, so I need to be more organised and label them after I have finished each make.

My Email Approach… Is to check it a few times throughout the day. They’re mainly notifications of orders or someone enquiring about getting something made that is not listed, which i’m always happy to do.

When I Down Tools … I get to cooking. I love it! I like tackling new recipes and arranging the delights so they look oh-so pretty. Plus, everything looks ten times tastier and super stylish dished up in my TouP bowls and plates… of course!